Help make a difference

Donate to the Amanda Ranch

Together, we can help give rest and hope to individuals and families going through life's trials

Together, we can help give rest and hope to individuals and families going through life's trials

Ways to give to the Amanda Ranch

In Matthew 14, Jesus took time apart after losing his friend John the Baptist. This break allowed him to reset emotionally, physically, and spiritually, offering a path to healing for the brokenhearted.

Your donations go towards giving individuals and families going through a loss or trial a space to rest and begin the healing process.

Become a Trailblazer

The Trailblazers of the Amanda Ranch are those willing to make this Bible-based grief ministry possible through a one-time $1,000 donation. This sponsorship level allows the weary in spirit to take the dream of coming to the Amanda Ranch from a possibility to a reality.

Sponsor a Day In Memory Of a loved one

By becoming a Day Sponsor, your generous gift goes towards covering the expenses for one day. This allows us to host individuals and families going through a trial at no charge to them. 

They can take time away from “life” as they start the grieving process.

Become a monthly supporter

Want to make a lasting difference in the life of someone going through their own grief journey?

The monthly supporters at the Amanda Ranch are those making a monthly commitment to make a lasting difference in the lives of those who are grieving or going through a trial.

Your Contribution Gives Those Hurting a Time of Rest

Would you consider partnering with The Amanda Ranch and helping give hope to those grieving and going through trials?

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